Deborah from Georgia...
Deborah and Laura are a terrific team and they built an incredible experience for all of us. I never expected to enjoy the people side of this so much. I may have new ongoing lifetime friends!
Kerryn from Australia...
I would just like to thank Deborah and Laura for making this such a wonderful trip. The planning that went into this, it was evident throughout.
Cindy from Canada...
Staying in a private villa with a private chef and 12 amazing women was the treat of a lifetime. Just my hardy thanks for organizing this trip.
Randi from New York...
I feel so privileged to have found this group! Our Tuscan Getaway was wonderful and Deborah and Laura did an amazing job to create a memorable experience for all. I can’t wait to travel on future trips with them!
Maura from Ireland...
Solo In Style in Tuscany was probably one of the most special trips I have had to date & it was my 19th visit to Italy! Superb organisation by Deborah & Laura plus 12 wonderful ladies.
Barbara from California...
Having our wonderful chef, combined with the pasta and truffle classes, helped to enhance the exploration of Tuscany. I really loved this experience and would recommend it to anyone.
Kathy from Canada...
Deborah and Laura curated some amazing experiences for our little group…from an evening truffle experience to learning to make ravioli from scratch. And that villa was GORGEOUS! Far surpassed my expectations.
Linda from Idaho...
Some women find the planning, research and booking half the fun. Sadly, I am not one of those women. A group like this is amazing. Tuscany was everything I hoped for and more!